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We take pride in our work with film productions in order to achieve the best possible aerial footage. Our Standing SFOC (Special Flight Operators Certificate) from Transport Canada allows us to fly legally, so productions know that they are covered. Combined with our experienced production team, we bring decades of set experience to your production.
Our drone pilot and camera operator combine to make stunning aerial cinematography. While our pilot concentrates on flying the drone our camera operator makes sure to capture the shot perfectly. This synchronization results in an aerial team that every production can appreciate.
Important Notice: For 2017 Transport Canada requires that all drone businesses carry an SFOC (Special Flight Operators Certificate). Without it productions can be fined up to $25,000. To learn more about Transport Canada’s SFOC and new drone laws please visit http://www.tc.gc.ca/eng/civilaviation/opssvs/flying-drone-safely-legally.html#legal

Salton Sea
Pasito Blanco